A problem frequently encountered in microeconomics is the maximization or
minimization of a function under constraints. Typical examples are, in household
theory, the maximization of benefits under a budget constraint or, in business
theory, the minimization of the costs of producing a certain quantity of goods.
Both problems have been treated graphically in the corresponding sections. In
addition, there are often other conditions such as the non-negativity of
goods and quantities. Now, the formal solution of such a problem will
be presented. We will restrict ourselves to the case with two variables
( and
) ,
which also corresponds to the graphical analysis in the reference chapters. The
general form can be found in many textbooks, e.g. in Sydsaeter, Hammond
"Mathematik fü r Wirtschaftswissenschaftler" oder Bauer, Clausen, Kerber,
Meier-Reinhold "Mathematik fü r Wirtschaftswissenschaftler" (for free
download: https://www.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=47411). There you will also
find information on how to interpret the Lagrange-multipliers as shadow
The section is divided into the following pages: