Despite the ongoing development of the project, errors cannot be completely avoided. For legal reasons I have to point out that no guarantee or warranty whatsoever is given for the content and use.
The following internet pages are the beginning of a long-term project. In this sense, they represent a publication. The use in teaching and instruction is explicitly permitted. I only ask for the adherence to the usual methods of citation.
The graphics are constructed as follows: All points marked by a cross can be moved with the mouse. Not filled circles on a line can be controlled via sliders. The graphic adapts automatically to the change of a point. Points represented by filled circles cannot be moved directly, but adapt to the changing graphic.
The names of variables and designations are not always consistent in the typically used literature. We therefore adapted common nomenclature from the standard literature.
Should you notice any mistakes (e.g. dead or incorrect links, spelling mistakes or inaccuracies in content), I would be very grateful for a remark. I also welcome constructive criticism regarding the presentation and practicability of the pages and the comprehensibility of the explanations. Finally, I am also grateful for suggestions to expand the project.
I would like to thank Horst Froeber and the company Macher Solutions for the creation of the web presence. The dynamic graphics are based on the free geometry software jsxgraph, which was developed at the Department of Mathematics and its Didactics by Prof. Baptist at the University of Bayreuth. I would like to thank especially the developers Apl. Prof. Dr. Alfred Wassermann, Dr. Matthias Ehmann and Dr. Carsten Miller for their support. I would also like to thank Michal Hoftich for help with the technical implementation with Latex and Mr. Janes Sass for numerous helpful comments and found mistakes. Special thanks go to Lexi Walter (LIRSWrite Publishing Services; editing and translation; Contact: lirs@disroot.org) for translating all the contents into English.
There are still some chapters and elements not translated, but we are working on it.