Up to now, monetary and fiscal policy have been analyzed separately in order
to identify the effects of both policy measures. However, if monetary and
fiscal policy are used in combination, one speaks of a policy mix that
is intended to achieve a specific goal. Sometimes, the combined use of
monetary and fiscal policy results from tensions or even conflicts between
the government, which is responsible for fiscal policy, and the central
bank, which regulates monetary policy. A typical scenario arises when the
central bank considers an expansive fiscal policy to be dangerous for price
developments and therefore counters it with a contractionary monetary
policy. An example of this is Germany after the reunification in the early
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, West and East Germany were reunited in 1990.
Before the Second World War, they were at about the same level of development.
After the reunification, however, West Germany was richer and more productive
than East Germany, which was not competitive at all. Many companies located in
the East were forced to close or urgently needed new production facilities. There
was a significant increase in government expenditure, as money was needed to
subsidize companies, provide social benefits for the unemployed, build new
infrastructure and repair environmental damage. Part of the increased
government spending was to be financed by a tax increase, but the greater part
by a budget deficit increase. As a result of the reunification, aggregate
demand augmented significantly. Thus, there was a severe rise in government
spending and investment, which in the IS-LM model results in a significant
rightward shift of the IS curve, caused by an expansive fiscal policy. The new
equilibrium of money and financial markets and the goods market is at point
with the equilibrium
interest rate and the
equilibrium income .
However, the Bundesbank then feared that the growth would be so high that the
upward trend of prices would lead to inflation. This was to be counteracted with a
contractionary monetary policy. The LM curve shifts upwards and the new equilibrium
shifts back again while the new equilibrium interest rate
continues to rise. The new equilibrium interest rate is higher than the interest rate
that would have been reached if only the IS curve had shifted. The new equilibrium
is lower. The independence of the central bank allowed to pursue a different
objective (price level stability) than the government’s objective (economic
However, if both policy instruments work together, monetary policy can support
fiscal policy also without increasing the interest rate. An example would be the
current economic stimulus packages (increase in government spending) with an
accommodative monetary policy. If the controllers for money supply and
government spending are increased at the same time, GDP rises sharply while
interest rates hardly change at all.