The second relevant factor influencing a household’s consumption decisions is
the price of consumer goods. In this graphic, the effects of a change in
the price of Good 1 can be analyzed. The effects of a price change of
Good 2 are analogous. If the price of Good 1 falls, the household is able
to consume more, since all previously purchasable bundles of goods in
which Good 1 was consumed become cheaper. The budget line moves
outwards with a pivot point on the y-axis. The slope changes to the new price
If the price for Good 1 falls, but remains constant for Good 2 more of Good 1 can
be exchanged on the market for one unit of Good 2 . Thus, the relative price has
fallen, the budget line is flatter. The exact combination of goods consumed by the
household depends on its preferences. Normally, as in this example as well, the
consumption of a good increases when the price falls. An exception to this
behavior show Giffen goods.
In the case described here, the consumption of the other good, Good 2 , remains
constant. This is a property of the Cobb-Douglas-utility-function used here:
. The proportion of the
budget spent on a good (
or ) is
constant. Thus, a change in the price of one good has no effect on the
consumption of the other good. Therefore, the cross-price elasticity is
0. If the effect is positive, the goods are substitutive (like butter and
margarine). If the effect is negative, the goods are complementary (like cars and